Youths’ Perspective on Senate Bill 1070 in Arizona: The Socio-emotional Effects of Immigration Policy

  • Carlos Santos
  • Cecilia Menjivar
Keywords: SB 1070


This article builds on previous research conducted by Santos, Menjívar & Godfrey (2013) and draws on a study conducted with racially and ethnically diverse early adolescents.This research explores youths’ awareness of Senate Bill 1070 in Arizona, and how affected they are by the passage of this bill. Wave I (N = 726; Mage = 12.4 years; SD = .97) results revealed an indirect relation between awareness of SB1070 and self-esteem via American identity. Wave II (N = 1025; Mage = 12.1 years; SD = .98) results revealed a positive association between awareness of SB1070 and youths’ engagement in risky behavior. Results also revealed a negative association between youths’ report of being affected by SB1070 and their ability to regulate their emotions in the classroom. Finally, results revealed a positive association between youths’ report of being affected by SB1070 with youths’ perceptions of ethnic-based discrimination by authorities and teachers. Implications of these findings are discussed.
